
We highly recommend the use of a virtual environement. It helps to keep dependencies required by different projects separate. Few example tools to create virtual environments are anaconda, virtualenv and venv.

The dependencies should be installed automatically during the installation process. If they fail for some reason, you can install them manually before installing tools21cm. The list of required packages can be found in the requirements.txt file present in the root directory.

To install tools21cm from the official Python Package Index (PyPI) simply do:

pip install tools21cm

For a standard non-editable installation use of the latest version in github do:

pip install git+ [--user]

The –user is optional and only required if you don’t have write permission to your main python installation. If you wants to work on the code, you can download it directly from the GitHub page or clone the project using:

git clone git://

Then, you can just install in place without copying anything using:

pip install -e /path/to/tools21cm [--user]

The package can also be installed using the script. Find the file in the root directory. To install in the standard directory, run:

python install

If you do not have write permissions, or you want to install somewhere else, you can specify some other installation directory, for example:

python install --home=~/mydir

To see more options, run:

python --help-commands

Or look here for more details.


For testing, one can use pytest or nosetests. Both packages can be installed using pip. To run all the test script, run the either of the following:

python -m pytest tests
nosetests -v