Source code for tools21cm.smoothing

Methods to smooth or reduce resolution of the data to reduce noise.

import numpy as np
from . import const, conv
from . import cosmo as cm
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import scipy.interpolate
from scipy import signal
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft, fftn, ifftn
from numpy.fft import rfftn, irfftn
from math import ceil, floor
from numpy import array, asarray, roll
from .helper_functions import fftconvolve, find_idx
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] def gauss_kernel(size, sigma=1.0, fwhm=None): ''' Generate a normalized gaussian kernel, defined as exp(-(x^2 + y^2)/(2sigma^2)). Parameters: size (int): Width of output array in pixels. sigma = 1.0 (float): The sigma parameter for the Gaussian. fwhm = None (float or None): The full width at half maximum. If this parameter is given, it overrides sigma. Returns: numpy array with the Gaussian. The dimensions will be size x size or size x sizey depending on whether sizey is set. The Gaussian is normalized so that its integral is 1. ''' if fwhm != None: sigma = fwhm/(2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2))) if size % 2 == 0: size = int(size/2) x,y = np.mgrid[-size:size, -size:size] else: size = int(size/2) x,y = np.mgrid[-size:size+1, -size:size+1] g = np.exp(-(x*x + y*y)/(2.*sigma*sigma)) return g/g.sum()
[docs] def gauss_kernel_3d(size, sigma=1.0, fwhm=None): ''' Generate a normalized gaussian kernel, defined as exp(-(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)/(2sigma^2)). Parameters: size (int): Width of output array in pixels. sigma = 1.0 (float): The sigma parameter for the Gaussian. fwhm = None (float or None): The full width at half maximum. If this parameter is given, it overrides sigma. Returns: numpy array with the Gaussian. The dimensions will be size x size x size. The Gaussian is normalized so that its integral is 1. ''' if fwhm != None: sigma = fwhm/(2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2))) if size % 2 == 0: size = int(size/2) x,y,z = np.mgrid[-size:size, -size:size, -size:size] else: size = int(size/2) x,y,z = np.mgrid[-size:size+1, -size:size+1, -size:size+1] g = np.exp(-(x*x + y*y + z*z)/(2.*sigma*sigma)) return g/g.sum()
[docs] def tophat_kernel(size, tophat_width): ''' Generate a square tophat kernel Parameters: size (int): the size of the array tophat_width (int): the size of the tophat kernel Returns: The kernel as a (size,size) array ''' kernel = np.zeros((size,size)) center = kernel.shape[0]/2 idx_low = int(center-np.floor(tophat_width/2.)) idx_high = int(center+np.ceil(tophat_width/2.)) kernel[idx_low:idx_high, idx_low:idx_high] = 1. kernel /= np.sum(kernel) return kernel
[docs] def tophat_kernel_3d(size, tophat_width, shape="cube"): ''' Generate a 3-dimensional tophat kernel with the specified size Parameters: size (integer or list-like): the size of the tophat kernel along each dimension. tophat_width (int): the size of the tophat kernel shape (string): "cube": cubic tophat; "sphere": spherical tophat Returns: The normalized kernel ''' kernel = np.zeros((size, size, size)) if shape == "cube": center = kernel.shape[0]/2 idx_low = int(center-np.floor(tophat_width/2.)) idx_high = int(center+np.ceil(tophat_width/2.)) kernel[idx_low:idx_high, idx_low:idx_high, idx_low:idx_high ] = 1. else: if size % 2 == 0: size = int(size/2) x,y,z = np.mgrid[-size:size, -size:size, -size:size] else: size = int(size/2) x,y,z = np.mgrid[-size:size+1, -size:size+1, -size:size+1] radius=np.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) kernel[np.nonzero(radius <= 0.5*tophat_width)]=1. kernel /= np.sum(kernel) return kernel
[docs] def lanczos_kernel(size, kernel_width): ''' Generate a 2D Lanczos kernel. Parameters: size (int): the size of the array kernel_width (int): the width of the kernel Returns: The kernel as a (size,size) array ''' #x,y = np.mgrid[-size*0.5:size*0.5, -size*0.5:size*0.5] xi = np.linspace(-size*0.5, size*0.5, size) yi = np.linspace(-size*0.5, size*0.5, size) x, y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) a = kernel_width kernel = np.sinc(x)*np.sinc(x/a)*np.sinc(y)*np.sinc(y/a) kernel[np.abs(x) > a] = 0. kernel[np.abs(y) > a] = 0. kernel /= kernel.sum() return kernel
[docs] def smooth_gauss(input_array, sigma=1.0, fwhm=None): ''' Smooth the input array with a Gaussian kernel specified either by sigma (standard deviation of the Gaussian function) or FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum). The latter is more appropriate when considering the resolution of a telescope. Parameters: input_array (numpy array): the array to smooth sigma=1.0 (float): the width of the kernel (variance) fwhm = None (float or None): The full width at half maximum. If this parameter is given, it overrides sigma. Returns: The smoothed array. A numpy array with the same dimensions as the input. ''' kernel = gauss_kernel(input_array.shape[0], sigma=sigma, fwhm=fwhm) return smooth_with_kernel(input_array, kernel)
[docs] def smooth_tophat(input_array, tophat_width): ''' Smooth the input array with a square tophat kernel. Parameters: input_array (numpy array): the array to smooth tophat_width (int): the width of the kernel in cells Returns: The smoothed array. A numpy array with the same dimensions as the input. ''' #For some reason fftconvolve works produces edge effects with #an even number of cells, so we pad the array with an extra pixel #if this is the case if input_array.shape[0] % 2 == 0: from .angular_coordinates import _get_padded_slice padded = _get_padded_slice(input_array, input_array.shape[0]+1) out = smooth_tophat(padded, tophat_width) return out[:-1,:-1] kernel = tophat_kernel(input_array.shape[0], tophat_width) return smooth_with_kernel(input_array, kernel)
[docs] def smooth_lanczos(input_array, kernel_width): ''' Smooth the input array with a Lanczos kernel. Parameters: input_array (numpy array): the array to smooth kernel_width (int): the width of the kernel in cells Returns: The smoothed array. A numpy array with the same dimensions as the input. ''' kernel = lanczos_kernel(input_array.shape[0], kernel_width) return smooth_with_kernel(input_array, kernel)
[docs] def smooth_with_kernel(input_array, kernel): ''' Smooth the input array with an arbitrary kernel. Parameters: input_array (numpy array): the array to smooth kernel (numpy array): the smoothing kernel. Must be the same size as the input array Returns: The smoothed array. A numpy array with the same dimensions as the input. ''' assert len(input_array.shape) == len(kernel.shape) out = fftconvolve(input_array, kernel) return out
[docs] def get_beam_w(baseline, z): ''' Calculate the width of the beam for an interferometer with a given maximum baseline. It is assumed that observations are done at lambda = 21*(1+z) cm Parameters: baseline (float): the maximum baseline in meters z (float): the redshift Returns: The beam width in arcminutes ''' fr = const.nu0 / (1.0+z) #21 cm frequency at z lw = const.c/fr/1.e6*1.e3 # wavelength in m beam_w = lw/baseline/np.pi*180.*60. return beam_w
[docs] def interpolate3d(input_array, x, y, z, order=0): ''' This function is a recreation of IDL's interpolate routine. It takes an input array, and interpolates it to a new size, which can be irregularly spaced. Parameters: input_array (numpy array): the array to interpolate x (numpy array): the output coordinates along the x axis expressed as (fractional) indices y (numpy array): the output coordinates along the y axis expressed as (fractional) indices z (numpy array): the output coordinates along the z axis expressed as (fractional) indices order (int): the order of the spline interpolation. Default is 0 (linear interpolation). Setting order=1 gives the same behaviour as IDL's interpolate function with default parameters. Returns: Interpolated array with shape (nx, ny, nz), where nx, ny and nz are the lengths of the arrays x, y and z respectively. ''' inds = np.zeros((3, len(x), len(y), len(z))) inds[0,:,:] = x[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] inds[1,:,:] = y[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis] inds[2,:,:] = z[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] new_array = ndimage.map_coordinates(input_array, inds, mode='wrap', \ order=order) return new_array
[docs] def interpolate2d(input_array, x, y, order=0): ''' Same as interpolate2d but for 2D data Parameters: input_array (numpy array): the array to interpolate x (numpy array): the output coordinates along the x axis expressed as (fractional) indices y (numpy array): the output coordinates along the y axis expressed as (fractional) indices order (int): the order of the spline interpolation. Default is 0 (linear interpolation). Setting order=1 gives the same results as IDL's interpolate function Returns: Interpolated array with shape (nx, ny), where nx and ny are the lengths of the arrays x and y respectively. ''' inds = np.zeros((2, len(x), len(y))) inds[0,:] = x[:,np.newaxis] inds[1,:] = y[np.newaxis,:] new_array = ndimage.map_coordinates(input_array, inds, mode='wrap', \ order=order, prefilter=True) return new_array
[docs] def smooth_lightcone(lightcone, z_array, box_size_mpc=False, max_baseline=2., ratio=1.): """ This smooths in both angular and frequency direction assuming both to be smoothed by same scale. Parameters: lightcone (numpy array): The lightcone that is to be smoothed. z_array (float) : The lowest value of the redshift in the lightcone or the whole redshift array. box_size_mpc (float) : The box size in Mpc. Default value is determined from the box size set for the simulation (set_sim_constants) max_baseline (float) : The maximun baseline of the telescope in km. Default value is set as 2 km (SKA core). ratio (int) : It is the ratio of smoothing scale in frequency direction and the angular direction (Default value: 1). Returns: (Smoothed_lightcone, redshifts) """ if (not box_size_mpc): box_size_mpc=conv.LB if(z_array.shape[0] == lightcone.shape[2]): input_redshifts = z_array.copy() else: z_low = z_array cell_size = 1.0*box_size_mpc/lightcone.shape[0] distances = cm.z_to_cdist(z_low) + np.arange(lightcone.shape[2])*cell_size input_redshifts = cm.cdist_to_z(distances) output_dtheta = (1+input_redshifts)*21e-5/max_baseline output_ang_res = output_dtheta*cm.z_to_cdist(input_redshifts) output_dz = ratio*output_ang_res/const.c for i in range(len(output_dz)): output_dz[i] = output_dz[i] * hubble_parameter(input_redshifts[i]) output_lightcone = smooth_lightcone_tophat(lightcone, input_redshifts, output_dz) output_lightcone = smooth_lightcone_gauss(output_lightcone, output_ang_res*lightcone.shape[0]/box_size_mpc) return output_lightcone, input_redshifts
[docs] def smooth_coeval(cube, z, box_size_mpc=False, max_baseline=2., ratio=1., nu_axis=2, verbose=True): """ This smooths the coeval cube by Gaussian in angular direction and by tophat along the third axis. Parameters: coeval_cube (numpy array): The data cube that is to be smoothed. z (float) : The redshift of the coeval cube. box_size_mpc (float) : The box size in Mpc. Default value is determined from the box size set for the simulation (set_sim_constants) max_baseline (float) : The maximun baseline of the telescope in km. Default value is set as 2 km (SKA core). ratio (int) : It is the ratio of smoothing scale in frequency direction and the angular direction (Default value: 1). nu_axis (int) : Frequency axis Returns: Smoothed_coeval_cube """ if (not box_size_mpc): box_size_mpc=conv.LB output_dtheta = (1+z)*21e-5/max_baseline output_ang_res = output_dtheta*cm.z_to_cdist(z) * cube.shape[0]/box_size_mpc output_cube = smooth_coeval_tophat(cube, output_ang_res*ratio, nu_axis=nu_axis, verbose=verbose) output_cube = smooth_coeval_gauss(output_cube, output_ang_res, nu_axis=nu_axis) return output_cube
[docs] def smooth_coeval_tophat(cube, width, nu_axis, verbose=True): """ This smooths the slices perpendicular to the given axis of the cube by tophat filter. Parameters: cube (numpy array) : The data cube that is to be smoothed. width (float) : The width of the tophat filter. nu_axis (int) : Frequency axis Returns: Smoothed_cube """ kernel = tophat_kernel(cube.shape[nu_axis], width) output_cube = np.zeros(cube.shape) if nu_axis==0: for i in tqdm(range(cube.shape[1]), disable=False if verbose else True): output_cube[:,i,:] = smooth_with_kernel(cube[:,i,:], kernel) else: for i in tqdm(range(cube.shape[0]), disable=False if verbose else True): output_cube[i,:,:] = smooth_with_kernel(cube[i,:,:], kernel) return output_cube
[docs] def smooth_coeval_gauss(cube, fwhm, nu_axis): """ This smooths the slices parallel to the given axis of the cube by Gaussian filter. Parameters: cube (numpy array) : The data cube that is to be smoothed. fwhm (float) : The fwhm of the Gaussian filter. nu_axis (int) : Frequency axis Returns: Smoothed_cube """ one = np.ones(cube.shape[nu_axis]) output_cube = smooth_lightcone_gauss(cube, fwhm*one, nu_axis=nu_axis) return output_cube
[docs] def smooth_lightcone_tophat(lightcone, redshifts, dz, verbose=True): """ This smooths the slices perpendicular to the third axis of the lightcone by tophat filter. Parameters: lightcone (numpy array) : The lightcone that is to be smoothed. redshifts (numpy array) : The redshift of each slice along the third axis. dz (float) : redshift width Returns: Smoothed_lightcone """ output_lightcone = np.zeros(lightcone.shape) for i in tqdm(range(output_lightcone.shape[2]), disable=False if verbose else True): z_out_low = redshifts[i]-dz[i]/2 z_out_high = redshifts[i]+dz[i]/2 idx_low = int(np.ceil(find_idx(redshifts, z_out_low))) idx_high = int(np.ceil(find_idx(redshifts, z_out_high))) output_lightcone[:,:,i] = np.mean(lightcone[:,:,idx_low:idx_high+1], axis=2) return output_lightcone
[docs] def smooth_lightcone_gauss(lightcone,fwhm,nu_axis=2): """ This smooths the slices perpendicular to the third axis of the lightcone by tophat filter. Parameters: lightcone (numpy array) : The lightcone that is to be smoothed. fwhm (numpy array) : The fwhm values of the Gaussian filter at each slice along frequency axis. nu_axis (int) : frequency axis Returns: Smoothed_lightcone """ assert lightcone.shape[nu_axis] == len(fwhm) output_lightcone = np.zeros(lightcone.shape) for i in range(output_lightcone.shape[nu_axis]): if nu_axis==0: output_lightcone[i,:,:] = smooth_gauss(lightcone[i,:,:], fwhm=fwhm[i]) elif nu_axis==1: output_lightcone[:,i,:] = smooth_gauss(lightcone[:,i,:], fwhm=fwhm[i]) else: output_lightcone[:,:,i] = smooth_gauss(lightcone[:,:,i], fwhm=fwhm[i]) return output_lightcone
[docs] def smooth_lightcone_uv_threshold(lightcone, uv_box, threshold=0.0): """Smoothing (de-noising) the lightcone by removing noisy UV cells below `threshold`. Beware, if maximal baseline is to be set, one should clean the `uv_box` beforehand. Parameters: lightcone (numpy array) : The lightcone to be smoothed. uv_box (numpy array) : The UV box. threshold (float) : The threshold below which UV cells are removed. Returns: Smoothed lightcone. """ if not isinstance(threshold, float) or threshold < 0.0: return ValueError("Threshold value should be a positive float.") lightcone = np.fft.fft2(lightcone, axes = (0, 1)) uv_bool = uv_box < threshold lightcone[uv_bool] = 0.0 return np.real(np.fft.ifft2(lightcone, axes = (0, 1)))
[docs] def hubble_parameter(z): """ It calculates the Hubble parameter at any redshift. """ part = np.sqrt(const.Omega0*(1.+z)**3+const.lam) return const.H0 * part
def remove_baselines_from_uvmap(uv_map, z, max_baseline=2, box_size_mpc=False): if (not box_size_mpc): box_size_mpc=conv.LB output_dtheta = (1+z)*21e-5/max_baseline output_dx_Mpc = output_dtheta*cm.z_to_cdist(z) output_dx_res = output_dx_Mpc * uv_map.shape[0]/box_size_mpc fft_dk_res_invMpc = box_size_mpc/output_dx_Mpc filt = np.zeros_like(uv_map) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(uv_map.shape[0]), np.arange(uv_map.shape[1]), sparse=True) rr1 = (xx**2 + yy**2) rr2 = ((uv_map.shape[0]-xx)**2 + yy**2) rr3 = (xx**2 + (uv_map.shape[1]-yy)**2) rr4 = ((uv_map.shape[0]-xx)**2 + (uv_map.shape[1]-yy)**2) filt[rr1<=fft_dk_res_invMpc**2] = 1 filt[rr2<=fft_dk_res_invMpc**2] = 1 filt[rr3<=fft_dk_res_invMpc**2] = 1 filt[rr4<=fft_dk_res_invMpc**2] = 1 filt[0,0] = 0 return filt*uv_map def convolve_uvmap(array, z=None, uv_map=None, max_baseline=None, box_size_mpc=False, filename=None, total_int_time=6.0, int_time=10.0, declination=-30.0, verbose=True): if (not box_size_mpc): box_size_mpc=conv.LB if uv_map is None: uv_map, N_ant = get_uv_map(array.shape[0], z, filename=filename, total_int_time=total_int_time, int_time=int_time, boxsize=box_size_mpc, declination=declination, verbose=verbose, ) if max_baseline is not None: uv_map = remove_baselines_from_uvmap(uv_map, z, max_baseline=max_baseline, box_size_mpc=box_size_mpc) img_arr = np.fft.fft2(array) kernel2d = uv_map #np.ones_like(uv_map); kernel2d[uv_map==0] = 0 img_arr *= kernel2d/kernel2d.max() img_map = np.fft.ifft2(img_arr) return np.real(img_map)
[docs] def convolve_uvmap_coeval(cube, z, box_size_mpc=False, max_baseline=2., ratio=1., nu_axis=2, verbose=True, filename=None, total_int_time=6.0, int_time=10.0, declination=-30.0, uv_map=None): """ This smooths the coeval cube by Gaussian in angular direction and by tophat along the third axis. Parameters: coeval_cube (numpy array): The data cube that is to be smoothed. z (float) : The redshift of the coeval cube. box_size_mpc (float) : The box size in Mpc. Default value is determined from the box size set for the simulation (set_sim_constants) max_baseline (float) : The maximun baseline of the telescope in km. Default value is set as 2 km (SKA core). ratio (int) : It is the ratio of smoothing scale in frequency direction and the angular direction (Default value: 1). nu_axis (int) : Frequency axis Returns: Smoothed_coeval_cube """ if (not box_size_mpc): box_size_mpc=conv.LB if uv_map is None: uv_map, N_ant = get_uv_map(array.shape[0], z, filename=filename, total_int_time=total_int_time, int_time=int_time, boxsize=box_size_mpc, declination=declination, verbose=verbose, ) if max_baseline is not None: uv_map = remove_baselines_from_uvmap(uv_map, z, max_baseline=max_baseline, box_size_mpc=box_size_mpc) output_dtheta = (1+z)*21e-5/max_baseline output_ang_res = output_dtheta*cm.z_to_cdist(z) * cube.shape[0]/box_size_mpc output_cube = smooth_coeval_tophat(cube, output_ang_res*ratio, nu_axis=nu_axis, verbose=verbose) if nu_axis not in [2,-1]: output_cube = np.swapaxes(output_cube,nu_axis,2) output_cube = np.array([convolve_uvmap(output_cube[:,:,i], uv_map=uv_map, verbose=verbose, box_size_mpc=box_size_mpc) for i in tqdm(range(output_cube.shape[2]),disable=not verbose)]) if nu_axis not in [2,-1]: output_cube = np.swapaxes(output_cube,nu_axis,2) return output_cube